SouthWest Volleyball Club is entering into its 30th year and exists for the benefit of those to achieve excellence in the sport of volleyball, and promote interest in the local community. Any player from any school is welcome at SWVC. We believe our program teaches individuals to excel, promote competitiveness, family unity, and develop leadership skills that transcend athletics into every aspect of a member's life. SWVC is a non profit tax exempt organization under IRS codes.
SWVC is structured for girls teams, ranging from ages 11's to 18's at the National and Elite levels depending upon the availability of coaches, players, and facilities. SWVC structures its programs to be in full compliance with all state rules and regulations as understood.
SWVC is a registered member of the Ohio Valley region - www.ovr.org and USA Volleyball - www.usavolleyball.org; and the Junior Volleyball Association.
Other services offered by Southwest:
- college exposure, cost effectively
- training with a high caliber coaching staff
- non profit organization with fund raising opportunities
- assistance with player profiles and scholarship opportunities
- free preseason specialty training
- excellent reputation - well organized
- family atmosphere - fun as we learn!

Thanks Team of the Week Sponsor!